Nou canal de WhatsApp - Uneix-te! Aquí
Nou canal de WhatsApp - Uneix-te! Aquí
Si vols estar al dia de totes les novetats i continguts del canal de difusió de WhatsApp, no dubtis a fer clic! Així podràs rebre actualitzacions, noves formacions, notícies exclusives i informació important, tot directament al teu mòbil. No et perdis cap detall!

European Solidarity Corps
European Solidarity Corps
Volunteering program for young people between 18 and 30 years old in projects in the solidarity sector, in their own country, in another European Union country or outside it.

Local volunteering
Local volunteering
Social actions to acquire and share values and build an inclusive and committed community network.

Cooperation projects
Cooperation projects
Networked projects to promote socio-educational and personal development

Erasmus+ exchanges
Erasmus+ exchanges
Youth exchanges abroad or in the territory

Internships abroad
Internships abroad
They offer the opportunity for young Europeans to gain professional and personal experience.

Mobility office
Mobility office
We inform and advise young people and organisations about the possibilities of participating in European funding programmes.